Thursday, November 29, 2012

Here Is A List Of Female Model Poses

Do you ever find it difficult to describe poses you have in mind? Then this book is for you. It's chock full of attractive, easy-to-follow the female model poses - kneeling, standing, seated, reclining and in motion. Real black-and-white photographs, not line drawings, clearly show every aspect of the pose. You and your model will get it right every time, even though she may never have posed before.

Whether you're a top professional photographer or a beginner, your subjects rely on you to provide them with posing direction to look their best. But it can take years to acquire the experience and develop the skills to quickly and effectively pose models, especially female models. This new book will solve your posing problems once and for all. Its 1,104 black and white photographs of eight models in unique, attractive, easy-to-copy poses cover a broad spectrum of situations, indoors and out, in every conceivable setting and just about any wardrobe outfit, from formal gowns to swimwear.

By referring to this practical guide, photographers can show their subjects actual pictures of proven, attractive poses, and even use it as an idea starter to develop their own unique poses. It's the ultimate visual posing reference for photographers and models, an indispensable tool you will use again and again.

This unique "how-to" book demonstrates an amazing variety of attractive poses to photographers and models, all set against a clean, white backdrop. The models are each wearing standard dance practice costumes, the kind you would see at any quality dance studio. The guide is small enough to fit in a camera bag or jacket pocket. There are six pose pictures per page, organized according to the type of pose. Pages and poses are numbered so it's simple to find poses you use often.

There is no guide out there like it. We'd like to ask you to compare our Guide to Posing the Female Model with similar products so that you can see its superb quality, but we have found nothing close to it on the market. It is the answer to many photographers' dreams. Use it to easily and effectively pose any model for a great picture, whether she is an inexperienced amateur or a professional. Just pick and copy poses that best suit the images you want. You'll take the guesswork out of posing and end up, if you are shooting film, with 24 good pictures from a roll of 24-exposure film instead of just one or two.

Shooting digitally? This guide is made for you. You will erase a lot less pictures than you ever did before. And you will be amazed at how many great keepers you shoot. You can't miss; it's so easy to get terrific, well-posed pictures that you will be proud of.

This book is also a resource for models, illustrators and art directors. Models can use it to practice and perfect a wide variety of different poses. It gives the artist a valuable source of examples of the female form in a broad range of poses.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What To Do To Become Into A Fitness Model

Don't change for anyone. Draw a line in the sand and decide for yourself what you are willing to do to achieve your goal of becoming a fitness model. Only you can decide what is best for you in the making of a good, positive and sustainable career.
Be mindful of what image you portray at all times; what you "put out there" and how people perceive you. What I'm trying to say is – keep it PG. You don't work as hard as you do for someone to compare you to a lady of the night.

Don't take every opportunity that comes along – be cautious and always do your research. Ask for client information, backgrounds and websites, as well as portfolios, of photographers and agencies. A legitimate photographer or agency should have all these items at your request and should be more than willing to share their work and references. If not, it may be for the best to pass up an opportunity – when just starting out; your safety should be top of mind.

Have a friend who is a photographer, or an acquaintance? Don't be afraid to reach out to them and ask to swap time for talent – they shoot and get to build their portfolio at the same time you do.

When you're a fitness model, all eyes and ears are on you at all times. You aren't just a pretty face or 6-pack abs, you're a role model – the image of health and fitness – don't take that lightly. Men and women alike will look to you for a positive image of health. What you do on and off the stage/shoot matters. Stand for something aside from yourself – be selfless – and have the drive to want to help people and make a difference in their lives by being a public figure for health and fitness.

Do your homework and practice posing – find which positions work best to show off your features. Essentially; BRING IT! "You don't have to have the best body in the world; it's not about that. It's about showing off YOUR physique in YOUR best angles, together with the facial expressions that meet the needs of that particular shoot and client"

The last shoot I was on, everyone on set was silent – it was odd. So, I asked, "everything alright"? To which the designer replied, "everything's great you know you're doing incredible when we don't say a word". I did my homework – identified with what the client was looking for before I stepped foot on shoot, and delivered.

So, come prepared to a shoot with a sense of what works best for you. And, if provided direction, take it – every photo shoot is essentially an opportunity to learn; the folks on location are professionals and are there to be sure you look your best. They'll help you hit your posing, but do your part first and bring something to the table.

Eat clean and continue to train in order to maintain a physique that could accommodate a shoot within two weeks – it's a great piece of motivation to help keep you in tip-top shape for a shoot. Sometimes, you won't have more notice than two weeks for an upcoming shoot.