Friday, October 28, 2011

'America's Next Top Model: All-Stars' ep. 7 recap: Girls take on reality star personalities

Lisa ran off with the competition in both challenges on 'America's Next Top Model' on Wednesday.
  The CW
Lisa ran off with the competition in both challenges on 'America's Next Top Model' on Wednesday.
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This week's "America's Next Top Model: All-Stars" was all about personality. Some have it, some don't -- and one girl should return hers from wherever she got it.
While most were mourning Bri's elimination, Bianca wasted no time starting trouble in the house. Before telling Kayla that her strong model looks are offset by her weak personality, Bianca had a full-on bathroom brawl with Alexandria. Somehow a conversation about shower schedules turned into a towel-wrapped Bianca screaming, "call me when you're an all-star" down the hall at Alexandria, who stood half dressed, yelling in her doorway.
Too much or too little, personality was the name of the game (or at least the challenge) when judge Nigel Barker introduced industry guest star Ben Bennett, leader of the perfume and beauty empire, Hatch Beauty.
Bennett mixed each girl her own fragrance, from Lisa's California fun scent Neon, to Shannon's good-girl signature Smitten, Allison's Honey Blood and Kayla's floral notes of Free. But, like every perfume-pusher before them, the models had to sell, sell, sell.
The girls were sent down the red carpet of a mock perfume launch, where fans (along with Cycle 3 winner, Eva) would decide which model had the best-smelling scent and strongest branding power. The task wasn't tough: sit in a bathtub of roses and hawk your perfume to every available customer. But leave it to Bianca to turn a hot bath into hot air.
"Tyra would never sit in a bathtub and sell her perfume. She's a lady, and I'm going to conduct myself as a lady."
Needless to say, Nigel was less-than-thrilled to see Bianca standing in a pencil skirt trying to sell her scent while Lisa partied hard with fans and Kayla got flirty in a two-piece.
When the time came to pick a winner, Lisa walked away with the challenge title and immunity from this week's judging -- which means she's a step closer to winning the all-star season and -- wait for it -- becoming the face of the first official "ANTM" fragrance!
At the next day's photo shoot, the models were forced into even larger reality TV roles. Channeling either "Jersey Shore" star Snooki or NeNe from "Real Housewives of Atlanta," each model hopped on the back of a flame-painted motorcycle and got trashy for the camera.
Bianca, getting 'pouffed' as Snooki, grabbed a jar of pickles for her shoot and refused to share with the other contestants. But she would have been better off without the props. As Mr. Jay told her, "this is getting a little too porno."
As the models coped with the news of a double elimination, guest judge Kathy Griffin was all jokes and smiles. Even with the safety of immunity, Lisa's hog-hopping risks paid off and the judges awarded her best photo.
Nigel was first to point out Bianca's lackluster performance at the perfume launch, which prompted her diva response: "Beyonce would never get in a bathtub!" Lucky for us, Tyra brought her 'tude with her to judging and quickly reminded Bianca, "You're not Beyonce! You are still trying to get somewhere."
In the end, the girl with too much to say, Bianca, was eliminated alongside the one with too little personality, Kayla.
With only eight contestants left and a new endorsement deal in the mix, we can't wait to see who pulls out all the stops (and who becomes fashion road kill) next Wednesday.

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